Opiate addiction claimed 64,000 lives last year. Don’t be a statistic! Reclaim your life by getting the help you desperately need and surely deserve. Give yourself, your friends and your family a break.

Medication-assisted treatment program

Our medical team consists of highly skilled nurse practitioners and suboxone doctors that are available to walk with you through this troublesome time in your life.

“In 2001, Steven H. Steiner died of a drug overdose. He was 19 years old. He only used Oxycontin once in his life. Unfortunately, he did not realize how powerful two small pills could be, fell asleep, got sick and suffocated. He will be missed! ”

Matthew Steiner

In 2017, it was reported that overdose deaths climbed to more than 72,000, a nearly 10 percent rise from the previous year, according to provisional government estimates issued in August. More than two-thirds of those deaths involved opioids. The surgeon general’s report attributed the rise to three trends: a rise in prescription opioid overdose deaths, a fourfold increase in heroin overdoses since 2010, and a tripling of the death rate from synthetic opioids such as fentanyl since 2013.

Only 1 in 4 people received treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD). The report pointed out why that’s the case: “The substance use disorder treatment system is underprepared to support care coordination; the primary care system has been slow to implement medication-assisted treatment (MAT) a as well as prevention, early identification, and other evidence-based recommendations; the existing health care workforce is already understaffed and often lacks the necessary training and education to address substance use disorders; and the need to protect patient confidentiality creates hurdles for sharing of information.”

“Now is the time to work together and apply what we know to end this epidemic once and for all,” wrote Elinore McCance-Katz, M.D., Ph.D., assistant secretary for mental health and substance use in the Department of Health and Human Services, in the report’s foreword. “Medication-assisted treatment, combined with psychosocial therapies and community-based recovery supports, is the gold standard for treating opioid addiction.”

The U.S. surgeon general issued a report last month calling for a “cultural shift in the way Americans talk about the opioid crisis.” He also called for health care professionals to become qualified to prescribe buprenorphine, follow “the gold standard” for treatment, and address substance use with the same sensitivity as other chronic health conditions.

“Addiction is a brain disease that touches families across America, including my own. We need to work together to put an end to stigma,” wrote U.S. Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams, M.D., M.P.H., in the report’s preface.

Andrew J. Saxon, M.D., chair of APA’s Council on Addiction Psychiatry, praised the report overall, calling it a “positive, strong, and important report that codifies some of the most important aspects of opioid use disorder treatment.” Saxon advises physicians who cannot provide all the elements to at least offer MAT and meet with patients regularly, citing several recent studies showing that buprenorphine treatment alone provided in a primary care setting can be just as effective for many patients, even without additional counseling and services.

Let’s look at some of the problems.  Not every person that needs help gets help.  More than 50% of the people who go for inpatient treatment don’t stay to complete the program, and their families enable them.  Only a small minority get continuing care.  Most people don’t get a long enough stay for initial treatment.  Most people relapse within a year of treatment, those that consume alcohol and other drugs relapse within 90 days.  Those that have a high rate of recovery and low rate of relapse get there at between four and five years of remission.  The professionals have all disengaged with the addicted person when they need more help.

Suboxone doctors and clinics in Maryland have experienced tremendous success with Medication Assisted Treatment and Technology, Suboxone and other medications coupled with Counseling and technology is leading to long-term recovery from opioids!

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